18-Wheeler Wreck Brings Out Hazmat Team

An 18-wheeler was involved in a crash early this morning on I45 North, near Spring Stuebner. It resulted in a spill of diesel fuel that required a Hazmat clean up. The spill also forced the closing of all north freeway lanes, with delays of nearly an hour on I45.

Car wrecks leave most motorists shaken and stunned. There are several calls to make, after ensuring that no one is severely hurt. The first call is to 911. The police will respond and call for medical help if needed. Then you can contact your Dallas truck accident lawyer to ask what needs to be done to compensate you for your losses.

Remain at the scene of the accident until the police allow you to leave. Stay calm, if you can. Emotions often run high after accidents, and it will help you if you are calm. Do not admit guilt to anyone, even if you feel that you might have been partially at fault.

After you call 911 and your Dallas truck accident lawyer, Kirkendall Dwyer LLP, then call your insurance agent. He or she will advise you to exchange names, phone numbers and insurance information of everyone involved in the wreck. Have all the information together to speak with them later.

You probably have a camera in your phone, and this can be handy to use in order to record car and 18-wheeler accident scenes. Take photographs of all the vehicles involved in the accident. Use it to document any skid marks on the road and the road condition. Be safe when you take photos and beware of nearby traffic.

Make notes of any circumstances that are relevant or unusual. Take down the other vehicle’s VIN number. To help your Dallas truck accident lawyer, get names and phone numbers of any witnesses.

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