Lawsuits Involving Car Accidents

Even though there have been significant improvements in the safety of automobiles, and the redesign of highways, byways and roads, accidents are still quite common. Because of that, many individuals will experience a serious automobile accident during their lifetime. When that happens, it is important to utilize the services of a competent Dallas personal injury lawyer to seek compensation.

Many car accidents never make their way through the court system for litigation. When there are no reported injuries or the injuries tend to be minor, resolving the case is often done through each driver’s insurance company. However, there are specific conditions that do warrant the need to take action to find just compensation in more serious accidents.

There are significant causes to a variety of vehicle accidents that require the skills of competent Dallas personal injury attorneys to handle the case in court. These include:

  • Driver Mistakes – Nearly every accident that happens on the road is due to driver mistakes. These include unsafe passing, following too close, failure to yield, or total disregard of stoplights or signs.
  • Driver Distractions – Injured parties often hire Dallas personal injury attorneys when they are involved in a two-car accident caused by the other driver’s distractions. This can be individuals talking on their phone, texting, changing radio stations or dealing with an unruly child.
  • Intoxication – Serious accidents occur when individuals are driving while intoxicated.
  • Improper Road Design – Poorly designed roadways can cause serious problems. This could be a result of improper signage or ineffective barriers.
  • Vehicle Defects – Brake failure, tire blowout, mechanical failure and other vehicle defects cause a huge number of accidents every year.

While accident litigation involves at least two automobiles, some involve a passenger in the car when another driver is involved. Still others include single vehicles on hazardous roads or any incident due to driver’s neglect.

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