A Dallas-area bridge renovation project is expected to pour $798 million into roadway
construction that officials say will help improve traffic flow and decrease traffic accidents.
The important thing for motorists to remember during the construction of the massive project is that there may be construction and delays around the downtown area. Drivers should keep an eye out for signs and detours to avoid potential car accidents. However, if an accident should occur, drivers should keep the number to truck accident attorneys Kirkendall Dwyer LLP (dial 713-522-3529) handy to provide their expert opinion.
Bridges were a particular concern during the recent icy season, with many accidents and
some fatalities happening on the slippery roads. The unusual weather combined with driver inexperience contributed to many pile-ups and traffic jams as well.
The Dallas Horseshoe Project by the Texas Department of Transportation will specifically improve traffic flow through downtown Dallas. It’s called the Horseshoe Project because of the “U”-shaped pattern the project encompasses. It began in April of last year and is expected to be completed in 2017, with expansion, repaving and adding new bridges and roadways along Interstates 30 and 35E, according to DallasHorseshoe.com. The site also noted that a new bridge, the Margaret McDermott Bridge, will also be built over I-30.
The project’s website at DallasHorseshoe.com features maps and construction timelines, as well as data on traffic closures and lanes that won’t be available. Current information includes construction and traffic alerts about Riverfront Boulevard near I-30 and other permanent relocations and temporary closures.
Bumper-to-bumper traffic in Dallas and subsequent fender benders or more serious car
accidents may not be as prevalent once the renovations are done. In the meantime, if you or someone you know is involved in a truck or car accident, seek an attorney at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP to assist you in your case.