It’s news to no one at this point that the weather has been acting unusually vicious this
winter. Many people who rarely see snow have now encountered multiple inches of it.
While things seem to be thawing, it’s difficult to say if the snow is truly gone yet for
everyone. However, southern states are certainly hoping so, as the snow has caused
not only delays to business and education but also resulted in many serious and even
fatal car crashes.
Southern states were hit with less snow than some states further north, but they were
also less equipped to deal with the snow they did get. With snow and freezing rain being
so rare in states like Georgia, Alabama, and Texas, there was no support infrastructure
to handle the vast task of fully clearing the roads or managing accidents. Additionally,
the very materials the roads are made of in such states are designed to deal with
extreme heat rather than snow, and ice can form more easily in some areas. Even
worse, many drivers were so unfamiliar with the weather conditions throughout the
winter storms that they did not take proper precautions while driving.
If you live in Dallas, Texas, you may well have experienced at least some of this for
yourself. And while the season is nearly over for this year, some predict that such
extreme weather could become the norm. If this is the case, amongst your other
preparations for icy weather should be finding a Dallas truck accident lawyer, if you
drive a truck, or at the least some sort of legal counsel in case you become involved in
an accident. You would be smart to choose Kirkendall Dwyer LLP for our team of
dedicated lawyers.