Kirkendall Dwyer is a proud member of Law Tigers, America’s Motorcycle Lawyers. As the Law Tigers attorneys in Dallas / Fort Worth, our firm has the knowledge and resources to support the motorcycle industry and the riding community. Since many of us ride too, we understand the challenges that you’re facing and we’ll help you get through this difficult process. Our Law Tigers attorneys will provide you with the representation you deserve, along with access to our comprehensive knowledge of motorcycle laws and motorcyclist rights. As a member of Law Tigers, our attorneys are equipped with the means to present a strong case that provides you with the compensation to which you are entitled.
Our Law Tigers motorcycle accident attorneys are available for free consultations, where we provide free legal advice and experienced representation. We work on a contingency basis, so there are never up-front charges to you – our Law Tigers attorneys only receive legal fees when you receive your compensation.
Motorcycle Accident Causes
Head-on Collision
Head-on collisions are the most common type of motorcycle accident, accounting for 56% of fatalities. Due to the small size of a motorcycle compared to that of a car, a distracted motorist might easily miss a motorcyclist, causing a serious accident. In most cases, the car strikes the motorcycle from the front. Resulting injuries are severe and often fatal, due to the exposed nature of the motorcycle rider.
Cars Turning Left
A car making a left turn can easily collide with a motorcycle that is trying to pass through an intersection as the car completes its turn. In most cases, the car taking a left turn will be held liable, but if the motorcyclist was driving unsafely, he may be found to have contributed to the accident. Depending on the circumstances, the recovery may be reduced or barred altogether.
Single Vehicle Accident
Another vehicle does not always have to be involved in a motorcycle accident. Sometimes a motorcyclist will be driving unsafely, either speeding or often under the influence of alcohol, and will hit a stationary object. Or an object in the road or the condition of the road itself will cause the motorcyclist to lose control and crash. Because the motorcycle itself provides no protection to the driver, injuries can be severe.
Lane Splitting
Lane splitting occurs when a motorcycle filters between cars and lanes. It is a maneuver often utilized in traffic jams. While there have been attempts made to make lane splitting legal in Texas, it is not yet legal. If a motorcycle is involved in an accident while lane splitting, it is more likely that he will be found contributorily negligent. The actions of other cars will be taken into consideration as well.
Yes to Helmets, No to Alcohol.
Injuries, both fatal and non-fatal, would be reduced if all motorcycle riders wore helmets. Texas does not require riders over 21 to wear a helmet as long as they have insurance, but this should not encourage you to ride without a motorcycle. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that for every 100 motorcyclists killed in accidents, 37 would have been saved had they worn a helmet.
If you are unfortunate and get into an accident, even if the accident is not fatal, a helmet will protect your head and neck from injuries. If you still suffer head and neck injuries while wearing helmet, the fact that you were riding responsibly will bolster your claim against the other individual, showing just how recklessly the other party was driving.
If you get into an accident and were not wearing a helmet, then recovery will be very difficult due to your contributory negligence.
Insurance companies will make things much more difficult on you if you were not wearing a helmet. Your burden of proof will be higher and you might not recover anything.
Most accidents involving one motorcycle alone involve alcohol. Alcohol loosens inhibitions and increases reaction times. Not only is it against the law, but it endangers your well-being, and the well-being of others on the road. Don’t drink and ride!
Our Attorneys Can Provide the Help that You Need.
From the first phone call, our attorneys will show you the individual attention that your case needs and deserves. As you can see, the injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident can be severe, and if you contributed in any way to your accident, you need a skilled attorney to present the strongest case possible on your behalf. Our dedicated team will investigate every possible avenue of recovery to make sure that your compensation is complete. Contact a Dallas motorcycle accident attorney at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP for a free consultation about your motorcycle accident today.