Dallas Highway Construction Fuels Economic Development

Dallas Highway Expansion

Courtesy DallasNews.com

Dallas is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States.  City planners estimate that the Dallas metropolitan area will be home to more than 10 million people by 2040 and possibly as many as 12 million people.

Sometimes highways actually spur growth.   A case in point is the Sam Rayburn Tollway.  The Tollway, which replaced the old, outdated, State Highway 121, has eased traffic flows and spurred a construction boom in the area.  Another construction boom occurred along the new stretches of other toll roads, namely the Dallas North Tollway and the Bush Turnpike.

In the case of the Tollway, the construction includes 1.8 million square feet of retail and warehouse space for Nebraska Furniture Mart.  It also includes a three-tiered Top Golf center, complete with fancy food, upscale bars and a swarm of eager young workers.  The Top Golf center is expected to bring with it nearly 400 jobs for its 24 hour operation.

Much of the growth in Dallas is attributable to the oil and gas boom across the Great Plains, which has ripple effects into major metropolitan areas like the Dallas-Fort Worth region.  With continued highway development throughout the area, a solid foundation has been laid for further population growth and economic development in and around Dallas.

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