Multiple crashes close I-65 near Lafayette, IN

I-65 near Lafayette was closed recently, after a series of accidents occurred in one particular stretch of road. The largest crash involved nine 18-wheelers and four cars. This wreck also resulted in a vehicle fire. Four people have been taken to local hospitals, with non-life-threatening injuries.

According to WISHTV in Indianapolis, Indiana, the crash originated in northbound lanes but the fire was being fought from southbound lanes. A semi truck originally slowed for a crash, but other 18-wheelers behind him were not able to stop.

When road conditions are bad, you probably drive more slowly, but that does not mean that all drivers will do the same. The injuries you suffer, especially in an 18-wheeler accident, can affect you for the rest of your life. You should contact your truck accident lawyer, since you deserve to be compensated for your injuries and property damage.

Every year, many people are involved in 18-wheeler accidents. The way you react will affect the damages you may be awarded in the future. Call 911 if the accident is serious or is on a busy road. Check yourself and your passengers for injuries, and do the same, if the scene is safe, for other people in the accident.

Kirkendall Dwyer LLP, your truck accident lawyer, will recommend that you do not admit fault in any accident. This is true even if you believe that you may have played a part in the accident. Someone who is at fault may ask you not to report the accident to your attorney or insurance company, especially if they are uninsured or will have their premiums increased if they have another accident.

Do not agree to personal payments from other drivers. Time will pass and you may have nothing to show for your suffering or property damage. Call your attorney so that you will be properly compensated.

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